Jim Duell -AUG 23, 2000 Updated April 01, 2009 As in all Fire Departments there are some volunteers that are elected to serve as a 2nd Lieutenant moving up to 1st Lieutenant then to Captain then to 2nd Assistant Chief then 1st Assistant Chief then to Chief Engineer. Then there are some who are Truck Drivers of Engines, Ladders, Aerials, Rescue, Tankers, and some yet are doing Interior Fire Attack, while some are at the end of a hose manning the nozzle at pressures of 60 to 100 pounds pressure at the nozzle tip. In Perry yes, we have all of this too along with our very own Fire Photographer. When the alarm is sounded and the sirens blow, one of the first volunteers on the scene is Photographer JIM DUELL with his camera . While he is putting on his bunker, coat, helmet, & boots there are pictures being taken. First time around the whole scene containing all sides of the burning building with electric wires down, Jim has the shot. Within the first 10 minutes a 36 exposure roll of film has already been used. If the source of the blaze is at sight, Jim has the picture already. In most cases the cause of the blaze is in one of Jim's pictures. There are many photos that come out of a roll of exposed film. At a fire scene or an accident scene in the many, many fire albums of fire photos that Jim has in his archives, there are a lot of very serious pictures which have been used in the United States District Court System in Buffalo, NY for arson cases which a conviction as made. Jim started doing Fire Shots back in 1972 when all he had was a Kodak 110mm Instamatic Camera which he still has, and this fit nicely in his shirt pocket. Jim usually took a full roll of film at each alarm. Now, a few years down the road Jim now has three Minolta 35mm SLR cameras along with two pocket 35mm cameras and of course the ole stand by of the 110mm just in case. These cameras are all loaded with Color Print Film, Color Slide Film & Black & White Film which Jim developes his own B&W negitives and prints. Jim also has his own RCA Video Camcorder for doing videos at a special Fire Scene or Function authorized by the chief. On February 23,1993 the Fire Department purchased a new Minolta 5xi AutoFocus Motorized 35mm Camera from State Grant Monies that were available to each department yearly. This new camera has a expansion card computer chips program these cards are used for doing Closeups, Automatic Depth Control, Flash Bracketing, Portraits, Exposure Bracketing. The same day Jim got this new camera he got to use it twice, once for an MVA during the daytime and then at a house fire in the evening hours. Both times at tempertures of 10 below zero. The camera at one point froze and quit working due to the cold air. After getting a vehical with the heat turned up high, both Jim & the camera soon got thawed out quickly. Jim did'nt even get a chance to experiment with the new and different computer cards. The pictures from the MVA were all very colorful with all the snow that day as a background. These pictures are only the beginning of a wonderful world of color photography. Jim sure wished that he had a camera like this 20 years ago when he started doing Fire Photography. There was a couple of times when he got the whole scene covered and should have run out of film but, the camera kept clicking and clicking. Why You Ask ! The film had come off the spindle inside the camera after the first or second picture. In thinking back, Jim says that his biggest night for pictures was the night that the Perry Town Hall & Auditorium and Wyoming County Arts Council building burned on Friday January 28,1983. That alarm, Jim shot 14 rolls of including the flashover that was the best picture of all , along with all the inside detail, source of the fire was the electrical panel box in the basement, and all the clean-up the next morning and removel of the standing rubble. This alarm come into the fire hall at about 6:50pm on this friday night and we were there until late Sunday afternoon when we finished the cleanup detail. There was a lot of firemen from Perry, and many other companys & departments. There was also a very large audience watching from all angles. Jim has one whole album of fifty pages of just this alarm. Jim also worked the fire scene with the ambulance and cleanup operations. It sure was a long weekend and the fire was labeled as a faulty electrical box in the basement which jim had already had a picture of during the investigation proceedures. Some of Jim's other memories of a long weekend with a camera was, the Ice Storm of 1976 and the business block of Perry involving five businesses. One good memory was the weekend of the Perry Fire Departments 100 Year Celebration on June 6, 1987. Other photos include Carnival, Parades, Mud Volleyball, Sand Volleyball, Arts & Crafts Show, Antique Car Shows, Circus, Memorial Day Ceremonies, and the 1992 Western New York Volunteer Firemens Convention held in Perry with our own Jack Hulburt as President. Jim was on the Program Book Committee and did all the pictures for the book all done in Black & White and was developed & printed by Jim. These pictures were all done in a newly constructed darkroom that was put in the basement of the Perry Fire Department by Jim & others. Jim is looking into the process of doing color prints in the future along with Black & White prints.This darkroom was an old 4 foot by 8 foot utility room converted into a darkroom by painting all the walls black and adding a 2 foot by 4 foot darkroom sink with hot & cold running water. Jim has taken two courses at Genesee Community College on Basic Photography and camera use and developing negitives and making reprints from the newly developed negitives. Jim has also learned the effects of Dodging & Burning to make a print look more realistic. http://bwdeveloping.s5.com .Jim has also gone to The New York State Academy of Fire Science in Mountour Falls, New York in Schyler county for a 2 - day in Fire Service Video Production. Perry Fire Department answers many mutual aid alarms to our small neighboring communities. We have a 4000 Gallon Tanker which is one of the first trucks asked for in a mutual aid alarm. Perry also has a new Rescue Truck which some of the new equiptment includes, a Cellular telephone with a Fax Machine and a four channel radio, Police Radio, Fire Police Radio, a compresser that is used for filling Scott Air Pack Bottles with breathing air which is very important needed system . This also carries the Town of Perry Jaws of Life , a Port A Power system, Venting Saw, K-12 Cutting Saw, Chain Saw, Plus much more. Many hours of training goes into knowing how each piece of equipment functions and the right & wrong way of using each tool. A lot of changes have been made in our department in the past 7 years. One of the biggest change was the disbanding of the Citizens Chemical Company and the City Protective Company in 2002. The Training Company for new members is still active to train the new people coming into the department with a year long course on how to use the equiptment and complete the essentials class before becomming active. On the Fire Photography side of the change, Jim isn't as active as before with working 12 hour shifts at Kodak. He purchased a new Gateway Computer and a Kodak DC210+ Digital Camera a week before Christmas of 1998 and then a second Kodak 290 Digital in July of 2000. Using a 8mb card he could store about 300 pictures on this card at one time. This was great !! He got a few packs of ni-cad rechargable batteries and can shoot hundreds of digitals without changing batteries. He then started storing pictures on CD's for future viewing and on a Omeiga Zip Drive System to hold a years worth of pictures. Jim isn't use to taking pictures off a card and installing them into his computer. No running to the store with a roll of film to get developed hopefully, anymore. He started going places on his 2 weekends a month off. Taking pictures is what Jim really wanted to do so he started to go to different Fair's & Festivals around the State of New York to get pictures. Jim started taking about 300 to 400 digitals on a good Saturday. He went to different Hot Air Balloon Festivals around the state. He got a new 64 MB card to allow him to take 987 pictures on one card. A year later in 2001 Jim took 5,015 pictures using both digital and 35mm camera's. Best year ever for pictures. Having all these memories in albums and now putting the digitals on CD's Jim started gathering old family pictures that his mom has and scanned them onto CD's having both Black & White and Colored. Jim has built about 25 different websites using all of his pictures. THAT'S COOL !! Jim has had a lot of feedback from a lot of people who has viewed all the different sites. Keep them coming !! Now you can see a lot of them just by typing jim duell into your search bar of your homepage. Yahoo does it best. Many of Jim's sites contain photos of the Perry Fire Department as well as travel photos from places having Hot Air Balloon Festivals, Harborfests, State & County Fairs, 1000 Islands & Lake George, Area Lighthouses, Railroad Depots, Large Structures & Buildings, Bridges, Sunsets, Trains, Clocks, Jim's Diecast Truck Collection. Jim has worked with a lot of different size camera's. He has all 35mm camera's that he uses when traveling along with his digital camera's when going every weekend to different Festivals through out New York State. His lenses consist of Minolta, Kiron, Focus, Spiratone, Quantaray. Size does matter when it comes to lenses. Some of his favorites are, 28mm Wide Angle Lens, 50mm Lens, 100 - 300mm AF Tech 10 Lens, 35 - 135mm 3.5 - 35mm Zoom Lens, 1.5x Matchmate MC Converter Lens, Auto Teleplus 3x Converter Lens, 80 - 200mm Lens, 400 to 800mm Telephoto Lens, T-2x Converter Lens, 2" extention Tube. Jim's Camera Bodies include: Minolta XG-1, XG-7, XG-A, X-700, X-370, Maxxum 5, 5xi, 450E, Freedom Vista Panorama. For flash units Jim has a Minolta 200x Electronic Flash Unit, Sunpak 522 flash unit with a remote sensor and a QBC-5 Quick Charger , Vivitar Auto Thyristor 550 FD flash unit, Minolta 3500xi flash unit, Minolta 118x Flash Unit, Vivitar 2600D Flash Unit. Jim carries a 52mm and a 55mm and a 62mm Polarized circular filter to use on his auto focus lenses. He also has many colored glass filters and a selection of cokin square filters and holder. Jim uses a variety of different films for all his camera's. Each camera has a different speed film in that special camera to avoid remembering to change the film speed dial on the camera. He purchases about 30 or 40 rolls at a time for a great price. Using both Kodak and Fuji films like select, super HQ, Royal Gold, Gold, Superia X-tra, Portra, Velvia, Sepria. The ASA speeds include 25, 50, 64, 100, 160, 200, 400, 800. Also available is ASA 1600 and 3200. He hasn't found any yet to try. Now going to all the different balloon shows around the state all the colors in all the different balloons need truly be captured on the best film available. Some of the subtle tones of an overcast day which may be found when attending the Oswego Harborfest on a 90 degree day or checking out different lighthouses next to the grey colored water or sky as a background when getting these surburb photos. These are also excellent films for night time photography like doing fireworks display and a lightning storm or even an evening at the New York State Fair with all the lights and a wonderful sunset in the background. Jim will use Fuji Velvia 100 at those special times a day just before dusk and dawn a for really beautiful solt lighting conditions. In rare ocassions Jim will use an ASA 25 or ASA 64 slide film from Kodak, he doesn't do slides very often but, he uses these for sunrises and sunsets when the time is right or places like the county and state fair at dusk when all the ride lights are on to make the special picture. These photos really look alive when the prints come back from Kodak processing. Doing digital photos at night is really different do to the 10 - 20 second wait time before the next picture can be taken. Jim is looking into purchasing a new Digital DSLR Camera maybe next spring. In the past few months Jim has purchased an enlarger and developing tools and equipment to set up his own darkroom at home. This will be for making enlargements like 11 X 14 inch prints in Black & White. He has all the skill and training to do this from taking the picture to developing the negatives to printing the picture. Jim has taken 2 different photography courses at Genesee Community College in Batavia learning the effects of dodging & Burning to make a print look more realistic. Jim has also gone to the New York State Academy of Fire Science in Montour Falls, NY for a 2 - day Fire Service Video Production Course. He can use colored negatives to make a sepra tone picture. Hopefully, 2004 will be a good year for pictures. With a new Fast Ferry Terminal coming to the Port of Rochester, Jim has already been to the new terminal at the mouth of the Genesee River and Lake Ontario meet in Charlotte NY to see what progress is being made and to get some pictures. It looked like it is coming along just fine and should be ready by the May opening date. With the snow and high winds that has hit us this winter its amazing that so much of this new terminal has been completed. While visiting Ontario Beach Park in Charlotte, NY a week ago the water on Lake Ontario was pretty rough and choppy and the temperture was a breezy 38 degrees with 30 - 40 M.P.H. winds to the south. Weather permitting the new Breeze cruise ship should be in the Port around the first part of April coming from Austrailia where it was built. This boat is a monster !! The Rochester to Toronto trips will be starting the first part of May if everything falls into place right. While the boat is still coming from Austrailia the freight trains are still passing through the City of Hornell, NY which is in the southern tier. A total reconstruction of the Erie Depot on Loder Street has finally been completed. It took about 2 years and the inside is just magnificant. It is going to be the offices of all the Vice Presidents of Alstom. They are a German based company with a big manufacturing plant in Hornell. Jim has taken many, many pictures of the reconstruction and different stages that has been done in the past 3 years like the new street lights in front of the depot along with the black rail fence between the depot and the tracks, along with a newly paved street and parking lot. One room is going to be a museum for all types of Erie Railroad Memorialbelia. Jim and his mother visited the open house on June 24, 25, 2003 to see the inside of the depot and Jim got a lot of photos of the inside with his digital camera while on the tour. His mother is originally from Hornell and she has taken the train many times back and forth to Buffalo where she went to Continental Beauty School there. She knew the old depot inside and out cause her father John F. Muchler of Hornell worked for the Railroad in where Alstom plant is now building engines. She could ride with his pass every week. The Depot Foundation is looking for memoribilia from the old Erie Railroad that could be donated by people of the families of employees of the railroad. Hornell is a small city that the train passes through many times a day & night from New Jersey to Ohio going through New York State using two different routes. Jim spends a lot of time taking pictures of the trains passing through Hornell and getting lots of pictures of the depot. http://railroadjim.20fr.com Some other great places to get good photos using both 35mm and digital are the Hot Air Balloon Festivals that come to different towns and villages every year around the same dates each year. Jim starts the ballooning season by heading to Letchworth State Park on Memorial Day Weekend for the Red, White & Blue Balloon Festival. There is about a dozen or so balloons that lift up near the middle falls part of the park. The next weekend is the Coors Light Balloon Festival in Jamesville near Syracuse, NY. Then in July comes the Great Wellsville Balloon Rally which is a three day event and lots of balloons and is held at the Island Park on Route 19 the other end of town. This is a great night for pictures. Jim usually takes around 200 to 300 pictures both prints and digital. From here we head to my hometown Sea Serpent Balloon Festival in Perry, NY. They have about 20 or sometimes more balloons that lift of at sunrise and sunset. Jim loves those balloons against the sunset for super pictures. http://sunsets.8m.com That same weekend is the Oswego Harborfest in Oswego, NY. Jim has been going to this since 1996 and gets lots of pictures especially of the Oswego Inner Harbor Lighthouse at the Port. This is an all day Saturday event that attracts a million people every year for the Arts & Crafts and the 1/2 hour long fireworks display at 9:00 or 10:00 PM depending if a storm is brewing on Lake Ontario. August is County & State Fair month. Jim usually goes to the Erie County Fair in Hamburg, NY and the New York State Fair in Syracuse, NY. On Labor Day Weekend is The New York State Festival Of Balloons In Dansville, NY. This is a great weekend for 50 or more balloons that lift off twice a day for a three day streach. Then comes Jim's favorite place for balloons and that is the Adirondack Balloon Festival in Queensbury, NY near Lake George. He spends 4 days there every year and he takes a couple thousand pictures both 35mm and digital. The three hour Steamship cruise on Lake George in the evening is Magnificant. To check out some of 2004 pictures on Jim's webpage go to http://jimduell.freehomepages.com In 2004 there were Hydroplane Boat races on the lake with all types of different antique racing boats and hydroplanes. Jim sat for the longest time taking pictures of the boats being loaded and unloaded into the water by a big crane. That is the only way that they can be taken off the truck and trailer is by crane. He took 4 rolls of film just of them doing that. He has already made reservations for 2005 Adirondack Balloon Festival. http://hotairballoons.8k.com The Hydroplanes should be back that same weekend. One other show that Jim takes many, many pictures at is the yearly Antique Truck Historical Society Truck Show which is held on the first Sunday of every August. This is at the Genesee County Fairgrounds in Batavia, NY. This is a great show with trucks that date back to 1910. Jim took over 200 digitals and prints of this show in 2004. http://aths.50megs.com Other events through out the year are the moon eclispe that is held once a year or so, Jim got lots of pictures using his Minolta X-700 35mm Camera and a Kiron 35 - 135mm Telephoto lens with a 1.5x converter . Could use little more experience in doing this. Pictures were a little small but, did come out. Birthdays are always big in our family. Jim along with his 4 brothers and 1 sister and all their families totaling 30 people had a 75th Suprise Birthday Party for their mom in June. That was a great party. She knew nothing about anything going on about the party. That was even better. Well now that christmas 2004 is over till next year. Its time to crawl into 2005 and in January of 2005 Jim has purchased a new Konica Minolta 7D DSLR Digital Camera to began the 2005 season. He may just pack away his 40 rolls of film and go digital from now on. He has 6 different Auto Focus Lenses that will work with this new camera very well. He got a 1 Gig Compact Flash Card for taking around 334 pictures without changing cards. Got an extra NP-400 battery for a back up with a charger. With this camera he got a Konica Minolta 28 - 100mm F/3.5 - 5.6 ( D ) Auto Focus Lens with a Hoya Cir - Polarizing 55mm Polarizing Filter. Along With this he got a 3 foot RC-1000 Remote Control Cable and a RC-1000L 20.5 foot cable. He can't wait for some nice weather to begain using it. His first pictures taken was of his new 2004 Dodge Dakota Pickup that he got on February 04, 2005. On Jim's next days off he will have to make a trip to Hornell to get some real digitals of the Erie Railroad Depot. On the 19th of March Jim Did get his depot photos which were very good. http://photographerjimduell.8m.com Some of the other places that Jim went to in 2005 and used his new camera were a day taking pictures at the Leicester Depot and Park in Leicester, NY then on the same day at the new Super Walmart that was being built in Geneseo, NY then from there to the American Salt Buildings in Mt. Morris, NY. This was all done on the 6th of April. On the 11th of April Jim went to Silver Springs and got several pictures of the Silver Springs Railroad Depot That Sits Next to the mainline from New Jersey to Ohio. Then Jim took a ride to his camp about 5 miles up the road in Gainesville and drove out to his familys camp that they have had since 1968. Took about 45 photos of the wooded lot and down by the ole mill stream. http://km7d.8m.com On the 9th of May Jim went to Warsaw and took some scenic pictures of the valley from 3 miles up on Merchant Road and a couple of the G&W Railroad tracks on Keeney Road in Warsaw,NY. On the 1st of June Jim took some photos again at the Leicester Depot in Leicester, NY for World Photo Day 2005 and entered one in their contest that they had for pictures taken only on that day. On June 22nd, Jim tries out taking a digital picture of the golden brown full moon that was over his home in Perry. They turned out super. Couldn't ask for a better looking picture for the first time using this camera at night. Then on the 9th of July there was a Buicks Of America Car Show at the Holiday Inn in Batavia, NY which had 557 different buick cars going back to the early 1900's. Jim took about 473 pictures that day due to very hot and humid and dark skies. http://buicksinbataviany.8k.com On the 29th of July Perry had its Sea Serpernt Balloon Festival at the village park. Jim went up and took 300 pictures of all 12 balloons inflating and taking off to parts unknown. http://perryballoonshow.4t.com Then the very next day on the 30th Jim went to the Oswego Harborfest in Oswego, NY and took 540 photos all around the beautiful city of Oswego, NY. These included the super Fireworks display that was heald at 9:45 PM at the Inner Harbor. This was a great weekend for pictures with about 900 shot in 2 days. http://harborfest.4mg.com The following Friday the 5th of August Jim went to Syracuse to the 2005 SPAAMFAA Antique Fire Truck Convention that comes to Syracuse every third year at the Electronics Holiday Inn parking lot with lots of fire trucks from everywhere. This was a super show and I took a total of 622 pictures that day. Was a great day with lots of sun and nice weather. http://spaamfa2005.8m.com The next day on the 6th Jim went to Hornell again just waiting for a train to pass through to get some new pictures. Took only 24 today. On the next day on the 7th was the Western New York Antique Truck & Tractor & Construction Show at the Genesee County Fair Grounds in Batavia, NY. Jim comes here for this show on the First Sunday in August of each year to take pictures for the club. This year he took 790 pictures of about 77 trucks this year. On August 29, 2005 Jim purchased a new Tamron Di II 18 - 200mm F/3.5 - 6.3 XR LD Aspherical ( IF ) Macro Auto Focus Wide Angle Lens . On the 2nd of September Jim tried it out for the first time with a nice sunny day and polarize filter on the front and shooting about 20 pictures and these were nice looking pictures. The next day on the 3rd of September he went to the New York State Festival Of Balloons in Dansville and had to shoot into the sun most of the day due to not being able to get onto the field as it was closed off to everyone there except balloonists. The pictures were not bad but, could have been better from the other side of the fence. Took 448 pictures in about a 4 hour time. http://nysfob.4t.com Then on the 18th of September the Duell Family held their family reunion in Letchworth Park and there was about 50 people from all parts of New York State there. Jim took only 51 pictures through out the whole day. Then on the 21st of September Jim took off for Lake George, NY for the Adirondack Balloon Festival that is held here each year. This is our 6th year of coming. This is a 4 day festival with lots to do and see through out these 4 days. For the whole 4 days Jim took a total of 2032 pictures . http://abf2005.4t.com This was a good week with no rain at all. This about sums up the summer of 2005 with all the pictures that have been taken. Jim had a total of 7,770 photos from January to December using his new 7D along with his Kodak 290 and 210+ digital cameras. This was the first year that not one bit of 35mm film was used. Still have the same 40 rolls left. On November 06, 2005 Jim recieved a notice that one of his pictures that he took won a contest which he entered. He recieved a nice looking plaque from the folks at Photography Vibes Magazine that he has now hanging in his computer room. Then soon after Jim joined the International Freelance Photographers Organization. Now a Lifetime Member of the Organization. On March 04 , 2006 Carol purchased a new Toshiba Laptop with XP Home Edition for Jim along with a card reader for downloading pictures and burning CD's on site of all the Festivals in 2006 that he attends. This will help in faster downloading and reusing the cards for more pictures. Soon it will be time to start deciding where to go for the 2006 season. http://jimduellcollection.4t.com Already have a lot of places and dates for this summers festivals. Might try some new places that he has located and will always depends on the weather. There will be a lot of one day events all across New York to go to. Keep tuned in for more on where he ended up going with new sites and pictures for the 2006 season. Its been an OK year for pictures so far. In July Jim attended his niece's graduation and party which were nice days and he took about 200 pictures for the graduation and party. Then on the 4th of July my girlfriend had a little get together for Jim and his mom and her 2 kids along with the neighbors in her neighborhood. On he 11th of July Jim attended the Ford Flathead V-8 Car & Truck Show at the Holiday Inn in Batavia, NY. He took 479 photos in about a 3 hours timeframe. There were 2 hot air balloon festivals the he attended that was rained out and high winds stopping the lift off. The last Saturday of July was the Oswego Harborfest in Oswego, NY that he attended and started out beautiful but had a hard rain in the middle of the afternoon and another storm was coming thru later. We left for home around 5PM. Its now August and the first Sunday is the Antique Truck Historical Society 20th Anniversity Truck show at the Genesee County Fairgrounds in Batavia, NY. Its also the start of Fair Month. He will be going to the Erie County Fair in Hamburg, NY on Saturday August 12th to spend the day getting some great fair shots and sunset photos. Toward the end of the month comes the Great New York State Fair and the New York State Festival Of Balloons held in Dansville, NY Both of these are on Labor Day Weekend. Then Coming on the 21th thru 25th of September Jim & Carol will be attending the Adirondack Balloon Festival in Beautiful Lake George Area. The Balloons lift off twice a day at the Floyd Bennett Airport in Queensbury, NY This is a nice 5 day vacation each year that they go. http://digitalsin7d.50megs.com That just about does it for 2006 Fair's & Festivals and we will be back in the spring for more for 2007. http://blueskycountry.4t.com Now its the end of March and tomorrow is the first day of spring already. Getting some real important business done this year will include picking up our new pop up camper that Carol & I purchased last fall and had it stored all winter by the place that we purchased it from in Elma, NY. We plan on doing some camping this summer to get back into the great outdoors. Already have a list of ten places to go camping this season. http://campingacrossny.7p.com Jim found a Honda e2000i generator while at the Erie County Fair to use while on the camping grounds. Been getting a few pictures already this winter contains the Ice Storm that covered the ground for a 3 day spell. Then a car over run there driveway and ended up 50 feet down into the Water Street Creek. Check Out My Site At: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimduellcollection for some good photos of all the events since Octobor 2006. http://perryfiredepartment.8m.com Photos are added on a weekly basis. Great things have happened in the past few weeks. Jim got Carol a new Canon SX100is Digital Camera for her birthday in January of 2008. Looks like a very busy 2008 for pictures. Lorraine Sturm of Perry is the new owner and editor for our local Perry Hearld which is a weekly newspaper an has just completed and printed in the February 15, 2008 edition a Bio on Jim Duell as a 37 year member and a Fire Photographer of the Perry Fire Department since 1971. That really made him happy to see an article done in a great fashion about him. She did a fine job on putting her facts together for this article. In May for the Memorial Day Weekend Jim & Carol will be headed for Kanakadea State Park and Almond Lake camping and then 2 weeks later they will be back here again for the Hornell Annual Kiwanis Fathers Day Car Show here at the park. There was 191 antique cars, Roadsters, Coupes, Pickups here to check out. Jim took 551 pictures today. Carol took 350 pictures today using her new camera. It is a sunny and warm day. In July Carol & Jim spent July 01, thru July 06 at Kanakadea Park. Jim took 212 pictures during their stay at the camp grounds. Then on July 10, 11, 12, & 13 2008 Jim & Carol went to Lake George for a Central Service Expo at the William Henry Resort that Carol will be attending for 2 days of seminars. This is through her job at the hospital. While there Jim attended the Ford Cobra GT Show here at the motel with about 30 sport cars. He took 103 pictures then they took a cruise on Lake George for an evening and got pictures of the fireworks held at 10PM over the lake. On Saturday there was a MasterCraft boat show at the edge of Lake George. Nice day for a couple hundred pictures. Then on August 01, 2008 Jim attending the SPAAMFAA Convention in Liverpool, NY of all Antique Fire Equipment that is a 2 day show at the Electronics Parkway Holiday Inn at exit 37 of the New York State Thruway and the Long Branch Park at the north end of Onondaga Lake. This show comes to Liverpool every three years for show and pumping Expo. Jim took 472 pictures here today of all kinds of fire equipment. Then on August 3rd Jim went to the ATHS Truck & Tractor & Construction Equipment Show at the Genesee County Fairgrounds in Batavia, NY. This is an event that is from 9:00 till 4:00 PM . Jim is now a member of this local ATHS truck club and will be part of all the different functions held each month. Jim took 736 pictures today using his 7D and a new Canon A560 Digital Camera. Then on August 16, 2008 Carol & Jim spent the day at Erie County Fair in Hamburg, NY. Carol & Jim will spend the whole Saturday here to check out all the exibits and lots of pictures. On August 19, 2008 Jim went with the ATHS Truck Club to there August meeting at the Phelphs Farm in Basom, NY and had a tour of the farm and seen all the older farm equipment that is still used today. After the tour they had hamburgs & hot dogs for everyone who came. Took about 50 pictures using a new Kodak Z1012is digital that was purchased yesterday to try today. Not what was expected of this camera. Will go back to the store tomorrow for refund! On August 23, 2008 one of our Perry Firepersons Jen Howell passed away of a heart attack. This was a sad week for the Perry Fire Department especially on the day of her funeral. Jen Howell will be missed by all. She was a News Anchor Woman at the local radio station WCJW in Warsaw, NY. Jim did a dedication CD of all the training sessions that she attended. Jim & Carol went to her funeral on August 28, 2008 in Perry. Now on August 31, 2008 Carol & Jim went to the New York State Festival Of Balloons in Dansville on that Sunday of the Holiday Weekend. There was car show here today with 110 cars, trucks, roadsters, coupes that Jim took 574 pictures of along with the balloons lifting off at 6:00 PM. Next is the Adirondack Balloon Festival and Moonglow in Lake George. This is their tenth year in being in attendence for this show. Also this same weekend was the Ford Club Of America Model A's Meet and show at the Roaring Brook Ranch just outside Lake George. Both Jim & Carol attended this show taking 432 pictures using his 7D. This show was so delightful in seeing all the old Ford Model A's. Had to get more Compact Flash Cards to use for all of these pictures just waiting to be taken. Took over 2,000 pictures this weekend. On October 04, 2008 Jim & Carol went with the truck club that Jim belongs to as they hosted a Truck Club Drive Around that started in Leroy and spent the day visiting different places and ended with a picnic at a local campsite near Leroy, NY. Jim & Carol both got 734 pictures today using his 7D and his new Canon A720is Digital and Carol's Canon SX100is. On October 10, 2008 Jim took a lot of photos at the Perry Middle School for Fire Prevention Week as he does each and every year. Jim got 92 pictures today at the school. On October 25, 2008 Jim & Carol went to visit the Bliss Noble Windmills in Bliss, NY It was a rainy day and a rotten day for pictures but, he got some anyway. Then from here they went to Orchard Park and visited the old Orchard Park B & O Depot behind the public library in Orchard Park. Jim got about 50 pictures in the pouring rain. Will come back here again on a nice sunny day. Halloween came on October 31, 2008 and Jim took 42 pictures of all the costumes from all the kids that attended and passed out cider and donuts to all that came for the party. Its been a teriffic year for photos doing all the different car and truck shows and balloon festivals, fire scenes and motor vehical accidents during the year. Jim took a grand total of 10,303 pictures for 2008 and was very pleased with that total. A special thanks goes out to Lorraine Sturm at the Perry Hearld for printing pictures in her newspaper from my collection of events. To see all of these photos go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimduellcollection & http://www.webshots.com/duelly In January of 2009 there was a house fire that turned out to be a fatal for the woman that lived there and was in a wheelchair and unable to get out in time. She passed away of smoke inalation. On January 27 there was a house fire in Middlebury and our department was called in for mutual aid. Was a sunny afternoon when the call came in. Jim got over 50 photos that day. On St. Valentines Day Jim & Carol went to the D & R Depot Restaurant in Leroy, NY for dinner. We both had Prime Rib. Was very good and we will have to make a return visit. Then in March of 09 Carol & Jim went to check out the new wind turbines in Wethersfield and Bliss Which was another sunny blue sky day. On the last Saturday of March Jim & Carol Went to the Ontario Beach Park to see the progression of all the new projects they have going on. Guess we were too early. Tomorrow is April 01 and hopefully the weather will start warming up and we have a lot planned for this summer with an event most every weekend. So, look out car lovers when Jim say's Smile I have taken your picture. Next update will be April 01 of 2009. It will be on the Jim Duell Collection page of this website.

Truck Club Group Photo At Drive Around on October 04, 2008
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