Soon after 1807 when the Town of Perry had been discovered, people started crossing the Genesee River to settle in Perry. Perry went by several different names before the present one was selected. It was once known as Beechville, Columbia, Ninevah, Shacksburg and Slabtown. Perry was chosen to honor the great Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry who gained renown in the War of 1812.
In the fall of 1871 the Erie Railroad rolled into town. A new era of transportantion was opened and highlighted a popular movement for a rail line to connect to the Erie Railroad. The new line was the Silver Lake Railroad. Traveling to Castile and Gainesville in 1852 This railroad had great expects of moving passengers and freight to the main line of the Erie Railroad. The main line covered areas to Buffalo and to Hornell & Corning and further south. Years later a line was proposed from Rochester south to the Pennsylivania border. One of the local industrialist by the name of James Wyckoff was very much for the project. The 3 - car train made regular trips in and out of Perry when the line was named the Silver Lake Railway. The line was taken up in 1972.
The Town of Perry became incorporated on March 11, 1814. An State of New York Act led to the incorporation of the Village of Perry on May 17, 1830. When the town was created the village was then known as Columbia. The village finally took the town's name of Perry. The total land of the town and village was about 50,000 acres. Soon, there was a period between 1896 - 1916 was a big inprovement on the construction of Main Street. It was the time of constent building of new industries and homes along with public facilities. A big boom in population along with employment had reach an high. These were Perry's golden years. The very sucessful Perry Knitting Company founded in 1881 with its big operations became very profitable after 1891.Within a 20 year period several municipal projects were up and running, like The Municipal Water Works in 1896, Perry Town Hall in 1898, The Walnut Street Bridge in 1902, Sanitary Sewer System in 1900, Perry Central High School in,1906, The Village Hall in 1912, Perry Public Library in 1914. In other businesses opening included a modern saw mill and a woodworking plant in 1924, The Silver Lake Mills started business in 1828 and was going through 1937. This was a flour & grain mill. In 1886 came the Iroquois Salt Company. Wells were sunk in the area, water forced down to the salt strata and the resulting brine pumped out. Across the tracks on a higher level were batteries of large wooden tanks, into these tanks went the brine, pumped in for storage, overhead pipes crossed the railroad and street. A power house, big evaporating tanks, dryers, and storage buildings made up the operation. The salt was found at about 1,200 feet beneath the surface. 1898 came the Robeson Cultery Company. This was a business in the Cultery, Knife which soon was was a nationally known product.Located on Main Street in Perry in 1906 a new 3- story building was built. The business had grew so, in 1946 a 55' X 170' building was added to the main street site.
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On June 06,1887 The Citizens Chemical Company was formed. To head the company as the first chief was Dr. Gilbert Ryerson Traver. He was Chief from 1887 till his death on July 11,1897. On April 01,2003 The Final Meeting Of The Citizens Chemical Company As Well As The Final Meeting Of The City Protective Company Was Held. It Is All Now The Perry Fire Department. It Was Due To Not Enough New Members Joining The Department Who Could Be Officer Status.
Perry 's History For Early 1900's